
[For a full edition with images, please click here.] 

March 2020

Volume 3/Number 1



The Vernal Equinox evenly divides the Spring,                                 
During which time the swallows again visit one another;
Thunder emits its sound from zenith to horizon,
And lightning appears in flickering clouds.

We've Moved!
We're pleased to announce that Three Fields Acupuncture has completed the move to 62 Main Street in Upton and all appointments will now be at this location. To those that helped make this possible, you have my sincerest thanks. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Supplements for Strengthening Immunity

Vitamin C: Start with 1-1.5g/day for adults. Increase .5g per day up 3g. Take in divided doses with meals. Reduce in case of stomach upset or loose stool.

Vitamin D3: 5000 IUs per day. Increase to 10,000 IUs per day in case of illness.

Elderberry Syrup: As elderflowers and elderberries are in limited supply, I will do my best to prepare syrups. These cost $40 per jar for a 3-month supply. Here's the link to the recipe if you feel like preparing some yourself:

Other good elderberry products are also available at health food stores, including gummies, extracts, and syrups. 

Immunity Mushrooms: Any product containing chaga or reishi is fine. Dose according to the package. Depending on supply, I may also be able to provide related Chinese herbal products.

If COVID-19 is suspected, reach out for further instructions, especially if you experience shortness of breath or trouble breathing

If you have questions regarding children, please request individualized instructions via email.


Love in the Time of Covid

So the saying goes, prepare before it happens so you don't panic when it does. Even so, I never thought I'd see a run on toilet paper. Fortunately we have plenty of the most important resource. 

Look around next time you're out and notice the fear and panic. It's written all over so many people. Notice how this changes their behavior and the behavior of others around them. One can feel it in the air.

Fear and panic is not the required response to this situation. Indeed, there has rarely been a more important time to remember courtesy, respect, kindness, and love. Indeed, in ourselves we generate this social glue and we have an infinite supply, if only we care to use it. 

We'll overcome this challenge like we have so many others. And we'll do it together.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful spring,

Michael D. Johnson, MA, MAOM, Lic.Ac.

Copyright © 2020 Three Fields Acupuncture, All rights reserved.